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Play is a child's work.

The East Lyme Integrated Preschool Program is a district program located at Lillie B. Haynes Elementary School. It serves children ages three to five years of age from East Lyme with special needs and their typically developing peers.

Play is a child's work. The program philosophy is that children learn best through active participation in a variety of developmentally appropriate experiences. It is essential that these experiences be provided in a safe environment staffed by adults who are sensitive and responsive to children's needs. The program uses a reverse mainstream model, which allows for an integrated education, and benefits both children with and without special needs. This inclusive education provides an opportunity to build friendships, social interaction, and teaches all children to understand and accept human differences. The program is a language-enriched program that adheres to the standards of the Preschool Curricular Goals and Benchmarks developed by the State Department of Education.

The East Lyme Integrated Preschool follows the Connecticut Early Learning and Development Standards.  Our overall goal is to foster competent learners.  We strive to provide early learning experiences that allow children to:

  • Be creative
  • Be inquisitive
  • Be flexible
  • Be critical thinkers
  • Be social learners
  • Be purposeful and reflective

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any of the links below:

Program Information

Peer Application


Regular Hours

Three Hour Session- 8:30 am to 11:30 am
Five Hour Session - 8:30 am to 1:30 pm

Delayed Opening Schedule
If your child is attending the three-hour session (8:30-11:30) and there is a 2-hour school delay, then there will be no morning preschool. If your child is attending the five-hour session (8:30-1:30) and there is a 2-hour school delay, preschool will begin at 10:30am 

Half Day of School OR Early Dismissal
If there is a half day of school scheduled or an early dismissal due to inclement weather, all preschool students will dismiss at 10:30 am.