Social and Emotional Resources

East Lyme Public Schools understands how important it is to attend to the social and emotional needs that arise during times like these. Social and Emotional Learning offers a powerful means to explore and express our emotions, build relationships, and support each other – children and adults alike – during this challenging time. East Lyme Public Schools has partnered with CASEL CARES.
CASEL CARES is an initiative that connects the SEL community with experts to address how SEL can be most helpful in response to today’s circumstances. We hope the resources below will provide you knowledge in a time of uncertainty.
DCF has added a new resource called "Talk It Out". It is a hotline for parents and caregivers who need someone to listen, to understand, and to talk your feelings out.
Talk It Out Website
More Resources
Mental Health and Coping During COVID-19 | CDC
Local Mental Health and Family Resources
Links to Activity Ideas - The Arc Eastern CT Website
confident parents confident kids Parent Resources
Helping Parents Through COVID-19 and Beyond


The following videos provide helpful information:


CASEL CARES: Strategies for Being Your Best
Possible SEL'f with Dr. Marc Brackett

Supporting SEL at Home

The Three Rs of Learning From Home

Social and Emotional Learning for Parents