How to join the PTA

In order for us to accomplish our goals, we need YOU! Please consider being a member of the Flanders PTA. Joining the PTA shows your support for what we do and what we provide for your children.

How to Become a PTA Member

The Flanders students and staff need the support of all parents to be successful. This can be something as simple as joining the PTA. Your membership contributions directly impacts all classrooms and provides many needed materials.

Cost of membership is $8 per individual or $16 per family. Please click below to print a copy of our membership form. The form and your membership fee can be sent back to school with your child in an envelope marked: Flanders PTA Membership.

Do I Have to Volunteer?

No, Flanders PTA encourages parent involvement to support our children in their academic and social education. However, becoming a PTA member does not mean that you must commit to volunteer hours or attend every meeting. We respect that you do only what you can, when you can. Even if you can afford no time other than filling out the membership form and sending in your membership fee, we absolutely welcome you and your support. Learn information through our PTA correspondence that will allow you to stay connected with school happenings.

Other Ways to Lend PTA Support
  • Volunteering is a great way to learn about your child's school hands-on.
  • Attending PTA events offers great family fun and fosters school pride in your child.
  • Attend PTA meetings to share your ideas and issues.
  • Participate where you can in our many fundraising activities.

We appreciate your support!

Remember...we are only as strong as our membership!