ELPS Assessment Overview


Assessment at East Lyme Public Schools

Balanced Assessment System

At East Lyme Public Schools, we believe in a balanced assessment system that provides a comprehensive view of student performance. Our balanced assessment system recognizes that classroom formative assessments and other local practices co-exist with state summative assessments, as multiple measures, to provide a full picture of a student's performance.

Classroom Formative Assessments

Formative assessments are used by teachers to monitor student learning and provide ongoing feedback. These assessments help teachers identify areas where students are struggling and adjust their instruction accordingly. Examples of formative assessments include short quizzes, reading fluency checks, math fact assessments, and running records.

Benchmark Assessments

Benchmark assessments are used to measure progress towards standards. These assessments are usually given at the end of a unit or intervention cycle. Examples of benchmark assessments used in East Lyme Public Schools include iReady for math, STAR for reading and mClass Dibels for early literacy skills.

Progress Monitoring

Progress monitoring assessments are used to track individual student progress on a more frequent basis. These assessments help teachers identify students who need additional support and monitor the effectiveness of interventions. Examples of progress monitoring assessments include short quizzes, reading fluency checks, and math fact assessments.

Data Triangulation

Collecting and analyzing data from different sources is called triangulation. Data triangulation increases the validity and reliability of the results. By using multiple measures of assessment, we can provide a more accurate and comprehensive view of student performance.

Using Assessment to Drive Instruction

Assessments are not just about measuring student performance; they are also a powerful tool for driving instruction. By analyzing assessment data, teachers can identify areas where students need additional support and adjust their instruction accordingly. This data-driven approach helps ensure that all students receive the support they need to succeed.

Broad Stroke Analysis Across Grades and Buildings

In addition to using assessment data to drive instruction in the classroom, we also use this data to provide broad stroke analysis across grades and buildings. This analysis helps us identify trends and patterns in student performance, allowing us to make informed decisions about curriculum and instruction at the district level.

Connecticut's State Mandated Summative Tests

East Lyme Public Schools participates in Connecticut's state mandated summative assessments, which include the Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA) for English Language Arts (ELA) and Math, and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) assessment for Science. These assessments are designed to measure student performance against state standards and provide valuable data to inform instruction and improve student outcomes. Click here to review additional information provided by the CT State Department of Education. 

Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA)

The SBA is administered to students in grades 3-8 and 11. It measures student performance in ELA and Math and provides valuable data to inform instruction and improve student outcomes.

Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Assessment

The NGSS assessment is administered to students in grades 5, 8, and 11. It measures student performance in Science and provides valuable data to inform instruction and improve student outcomes.

Participation and Scheduling

Federal law continues to expect full participation of all students on the state summative assessments. East Lyme Public Schools works to make the testing environment and schedule conducive to maximum participation. If a child is absent on a day of testing, a make-up date will be scheduled for the individual student.