East Lyme High School Pathways Program
The East Lyme High School Pathways Program is not a single entity; the programming involves a variety of components.
The goals of the Pathways Programs at ELHS are to advance student learning with community-based experiences, increase capacity in the Career and Technical Education programming, and support students in their post-secondary learning and career choices.
If you would like further information or have any questions, please contact David Fasulo at david.fasulo@elpsk12.org.
Current Community Collaborations and Enrichment Programs
East Lyme Community Garden Collaboration
This is a well-organized program that is easily accessible for ELHS or Flanders Elementary School for enrichment programming.
Collaborations include the ELHS AP Environmental class to discuss the use of sustainable practices in food production and how the Giving Garden fits into the issue of “food deserts”. Other hands-on opportunities can be made available.
Collaborations include the ELHS AP Environmental class to discuss the use of sustainable practices in food production and how the Giving Garden fits into the issue of “food deserts”. Other hands-on opportunities can be made available.
Welding Class in Cooperation with Collins & Jewel and ACME Wire
Students were given a top-notch exploratory program at Collins and Jewel and safety equipment to take home. One of the seniors from ELHS, David Day, was offered and accepted a position at the company. Small manufacturers, due to the high demand, are offering competitive salaries and training to hire and retain employees.
Porter and Chester Career Exploration Program for ELHS students
For the pilot year, beginning April 2023, students participated in two classes per week for four weeks, during the last block of the day. The April 2023 sessions included plumbing, electrical, welding, and medical assistant.
For the 2023-24 school year we are exploring an Allied Health exploratory cycle, and a trades exploratory cycle. There is no cost to the district for this collaboration. Note, Porter and Chester will be moving to a new facility on Frontage Rd. in New London offering a modern site with easy access.
Firmin’s Garage Exploratory Program
This collaboration has been a tremendous success due to the generosity of Firmin’s Garage for their facility and equipment, Niantic Rotary and Lions Club for their financial support, and the students and families who participated and supported the program. However, the most important reason for its success is the instructor, Andrew Biederka, who is truly one of the best in the business. From the start he has been a natural and the quality of instruction has been second to none.
Construction and Woodworking Class Growth
The Construction and Woodworking programs at ELHS are supplementing the curriculum with materials supplied by the North Atlantic States Carpenters Training Fund (NASCTF).
The NASCTF offers programming/field trips for students enrolled in Construction and Furniture/Woodworking at ELHS at no cost (grant funded) at their state-of-the-art training facility in Wallingford. ELHS students are participating in this opportunity.
Emergency Medical Technical Class 2023-24
Startup funding is provided by the Eastern CT Workforce Investment Board. The class aligns with the CT Workforce Board Allied Health Pipeline, the new Allied Healthcare Career Concentration at ELHS, and UCONN Early College Experiences.
Students will have the opportunity to complete a State approved E.M.T. Certification course at ELHS.
Patient contact hours will be in collaboration with local hospitals and firehouses, such as Flanders Fire House.
Students will sit for the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians written and practical exams for nationally recognized certification.
This opportunity gives graduating students a direct hire opportunity and fulfilling requirements/patient contact hours for other professions of interest.
The course will be part of our University of Connecticut Early College Experience (ECE) and students receive University credit (C or better) on a UCONN transcript.
Manufacturing Pipeline Initiative
The Pathways Program continues to work with the Youth Manufacturing Pipeline Initiative (YMPI) and the Eastern CT Workforce Investment Board (EWIB). The Pipeline Assessment was expanded this spring to include an Allied Health Assessment – both offer no-cost training and job placement.
The Pathways Program will again organize and proctor the Eastern CT Manufacturing Pipeline Initiative Assessment and (new for 2023) the Allied Health Assessment for interested seniors in the spring. The program provides no-cost training to address the hiring needs of Electric Boat, members of the Eastern Advanced Manufacturing Alliance, and other manufacturers. The assessment also connects students with a CTHIRES account for support in job training and placement throughout Connecticut. This is an excellent opportunity for graduating students to be directly hired at a competitive wage with benefits.
Career Concentrations Program
The Career Concentrations Program, overseen by Pathways, continues to expand and thrive at ELHS. Career Concentrations allows students interested in a particular career path to receive a certificate of accomplishment for successfully completing courses that help them to prepare for a related career field. The certificate, and letter from the administrator, can be used as a reference for college or career resumes. Successful completion of a Career Concentration is noted on the students’ transcript, and they are further recognized at the Senior Awards night.
Community Collaboration and Enrichment Programs Being Explored
New Career Concentrations to be offered for the 2023-24 school year include:
Public Safety – A collection of courses that help prepare students for careers such as law enforcement, fire service, emergency service providers, security officers, emergency management, and homeland security.
Computer Science – A collection of courses to help prepare students for a wide range of careers, as well as a diverse background in modern computing.
Allied Health – A collection of courses that help prepare students for careers such as medical assistant, phlebotomist, dietician, X-ray technician, Emergency Medical Technician, and CNA.
Potential Pilot Program - Supplemental Instruction to the Public Safety and Allied Health career concentrations and E.M.T. class
In cooperation with our on-site Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI) training and certification providers, we are exploring offering a customized workshop to students. Using the TCI curriculum, students will learn to identify and deescalate situations and foster positive interactions/engagement with clients/members of the public.
Cyber Security with Camp Nett
In cooperation with the Camp Nett Army National Guard Training Site, this is a potential initiative being explored with community members' support. We are currently working with National Guard personnel, and potential grants, to explore this potential opportunity.
Early Childhood Education
A further collaboration with the Before and After Care Program in East Lyme Schools. A hands-on program that may be tied into the Viking Voyage, Career Concentrations, internship, or independent study. Students would work together to produce aftercare programs/activities that are STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) or art based on assorted topics. The program is anticipated to run for 4 weeks, two days per week, from 3:30-5:00pm. Note, the Pre-K Laboratory class/curriculum currently works with the Before and After Care Program.
Electric Boat Workforce Development & Youth Education
An exploratory program in cooperation with Three Rivers Community College and Electric Boat in various trades that apply to the current needs of the manufacturing sector. Further information to follow; meetings with E.B.s Workforce Development/Youth Education Programs Lead are in process.
Grant Funding Spring 2023
Summary of Grants and Workforce Funding Received Spring 2023 via Pathways
Perkins Grant Funding Received Spring 2023
East Lyme High School: $25,093
Collaboration with Three Rivers Community College: $30,000
Community Based Funding
Niantic Rotary - Automotive Class 1: $1000
Niantic Lions Club – Automotive Class 2: $1000
Eastern CT Workforce Investment Board
E.M.T Course Start-Up Supplies: $11,039
E.M.T. Course Books: $4,424
Total Funds/Grant Allocations as of March 2023: $72,556
Additional Support
Mystic Seaport Museum Grant Funding
Coastal Connections Team Building: $330
Coastal Connections Apprenticeships: $2520
*Grant funding paid all expenses for students and staff
Total Supports for East Lyme High School: $75,406
Perkins Grant Funding 2023 Goals
- Upgrading High School computers to effectively run the C.A.D. software.
- Strengthening our Dual Enrollment/College and Career Pathways Program with Three Rivers Community College. Through this program students earn college credit at no cost in the C.A.D. II class.
- Providing C.A.D. SOLIDWORKS certifications for eligible students.
a. To increase the availably of credentials/certifications to ELHS students.
b. To provide direct hire opportunities for students upon graduation to General Dynamics/Electric boat and local manufacturers. - Providing improved access to C.A.D. programming for special populations through assistive technology.