About Us
East Lyme Public Schools will inspire, engage, and educate each student to become a contributing citizen and a responsible, independent, and critical thinker.
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the East Lyme Public Schools district website. We are a school system that prides itself on the work that we do to support the academic and social wellbeing of our students. It is an honor and a privilege to serve as Superintendent of Schools and lead this fine educational system into the future.
With exceptional staff, committed families, and a wonderful community we create a safe and supportive environment that fosters positive and enduring personal relationships. As you view our website, you will find a school district that is focused and committed to continued excellence. We prepare our students to meet the rigors and challenges beyond high school, while supporting and enabling individuals to maximize all learning opportunities through an integrated curriculum that is challenging at all levels of learning. Additionally, successful school climates within our district continually help all individuals succeed, while we ensure a community of respect, learning, and success is celebrated each and every day.
East Lyme Public Schools remains committed to providing our students with the best possible educational experiences. We will continue to engage in practices that foster pride in our town, dedication to the successful work that is done, and bring smiles to the faces of each and every student.
Jeffrey R. Newton
Superintendent of Schools