3 and 4 Day Class Options
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday classes for children ages 3 - 4
3-Day Class:
- Child must be potty-trained (no Pull Ups)
- For children 3 - 4 (Birthdays between 09/02/2020 - 3/31/2021)
- Runs on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:15am - 1:15pm
Maximum of 16 children
Annual tuition is:
- Traditional option- $3,533 payable in 10 monthly installments of $353.30 (No classroom volunteering required)
- Cooperative option- $3180 payable in 10 monthly installments of $318.00 (Families are expected to volunteer in the classroom 6 times over the course of the year at this reduced rate)
4-Day Class:
- Child must be potty-trained (no Pull Ups)
- For children 4 or 5 years old (Age Minimum: Must turn 4 by 9/1/2024)
- Runs on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings 9:30am - 1:30pm
Maximum of 16 children
Annual tuition is:
- Traditional option- $4,360 payable in 10 monthly installments of $436.00 (No classroom volunteering required)
- Cooperative option- $3,924 payable in 10 monthly installments of $392.40 (Families are expected to volunteer in the classroom 6 times over the course of the year at this reduced rate)
Curriculum for 4-5-Year-Olds
Cognitive Development:
- Demonstrate a representational drawing
- Identify and match familiar objects, eg. foot & shoe
- Basic understanding of opposites (on/off, hot/cold, up/down, in/out) identify same and different
- Understand positional words (over, under, behind, front, back, top, etc.)
- Understand time concepts (today, tomorrow, yesterday, weekdays, months & seasons; soon, later, in a few minutes)
- Identify objects that do not belong in a set
- Identify and continue basic patterns (AB, AAB, AABB)
- Count up to 5 objects; identify specific number of objects on request (1-10)
- Identify by name the numbers 1-10; rote count to 29
- Begin basic understanding of measurement (non-standard units)
- Increase ability to classify, compare and contrast objects
- Understand & communicate cause and effect. (What would happen if I ….This is spilt, we need to clean it up).
Large Motor Skills:
- Demonstrate body and space awareness by using controlled movements
- Demonstrate large motor skills, hopping, jumping, running, pulling, pushing, using steps, walking backwards
- Demonstrate coordination through throwing, catching, kicking, rolling balls etc
Fine Motor Skills:
- Demonstrate eye to hand coordination (pegs, beads, puzzles, painting, scissors, glue)
- Demonstrate fine motor muscle control (eyedroppers, tongs, stringing beads, and lacing)
- Make a ball out of play dough
- String small beads, do basic lacing.
- Hold writing utensil correctly (pincher grip), trace letters, able to write first name.
- Hold scissors correctly and cuts out a basic shape
- Complete a 5-10 piece puzzle; build a 5 block bridge through imitation.
Language Development:
- Listen with interest, to stories read out loud
- Identify letters in their name
- Understand the connection between written and spoken words
- Begin to show awareness of concepts of print e.g. reading left to right and top to bottom on a page
- Understand and carry out a series of 3 directions
- Understand questions about quantity
- Use compound sentences; engage in simple narrative conversation
- Recall and repeat simple songs, poems and rhymes
- Properly sequence a four picture story, point out absurdities in pictures
- Use descriptive words; use words to express feelings
- State first and last name, gender and age; recognize phone number and address.
Social Development:
- Sustain attention to a task; follow simple directions.
- Transition from one activity to the next.
- Follow classroom and playground rules
- Show awareness and follow classroom schedule and routines.
- Participate in small and large group activities; follow rules in group games.
- Use words instead of being physical to express emotions and/or feelings.
- Demonstrate independence in routine healthy behaviors (using bathroom, dressing, washing hands).
- Participates in clean up with little or no adult guidance.
- Take turns and share with little or no assistance (e.g. in games or using materials).
- Accept responsibility and demonstrate respect for others and their property
- Exhibit proper manners without continual adult guidance.
- Play and interact with others for extended periods of time with minimal friction.
- Attend to 15-20 minute circle without being distracted.